Sunday, March 23, 2014

How do you study? watch this
or this-'s%20and%20Don'ts listen to this - read this
Do this:
Make flashcards
Look at the pictures, captions and vocabulary
Read your notes aloud - each night
Study in short bursts - 7-10 minutes then walk around
Paraphrase your notes
Rewrite you notes
Avoid distractions - no phone or noise...repeat/rephrase what you are reading
Ask questions in class
Create questions
Make quiz/test corrections
Try to connect something unclear - associate, make a song, look for a word trick
Use the glossary, unit questions and read chapter summaries to study
Create crossword puzzles online
Review homework and classwork questions
Ask a parent to quiz you
Google - test/quiz on the topic and try to answer the questions
Watch a video or listen to a song on the topic
Go to extra help
Retell the information to a friend
Identify what you know and what you need to study - study what you don't know!
PLEASE COMMENT...What helped?  What works for you?

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