Sunday, October 4, 2015

Extra Credit - Bud, Not Buddy!

To ponder...

1.  What's the difference between surviving and thriving?
2.  Why is it important for Bud to be a better liar?

3.  Why is Bud focused on the idea of a "funner" life?

Tone - the feelings a narrator has toward a character or subject in the story.
Figurative language - language that uses figures of speech to create images of what something looks, sounds, or feels like. It is different from literal language because literal language means exactly what it says. One common form of figurative language is when you describe something by comparing it to something else.

Question -
“How does figurative language affect the tone of the excerpt in which the woman is walking down the hall? What inference can we make about Bud’s feelings, based on his use of figurative language in this excerpt?”

Find other examples of figurative language, list the page number and tell how the author's word choice affected the story. 

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