Sunday, March 1, 2015

What is a hero? Who is your hero?

Are you working on your project?

Name - ________________________

Biography project –

Heroes and Mentors


Look at the information you have about your person’s life. Decide which events are interesting and important. Place them on a timeline, and add illustrations which show, or which symbolize, the events on the timeline. Your timeline should have:


            - The person’s name, clearly and neatly written

- Important or interesting events and dates, in correct chronological order

- Illustrations which highlight important events or ideas,

  Accomplishments/milestones. These can be drawn by hand, computer-generated, or cut      from magazines, and they can be literal or symbolic.

-On the same sheet as your timeline, tell the anecdote you’ve chosen about your character, and write the interesting or important quotation.


The timeline will be graded on the details you include and on the quality of the anecdote and the quotation. Appropriateness of the illustrations, neatness, and general appearance will count.


_________was a _________ who lived in______ from_______-_________,

He/she is known for ______________________________.

Three important accomplishments or facts about _________ are:




Analysis: Why is this person important to study?


Task:  You will need to create a PowerPoint, poster or written report that tells about someone who is considered a hero or mentor.  You will be given some class time to do research.  You are also required to spend some time at home to complete the project.  You will be graded on the research, the PowerPoint, poster or written report and the presentation.

1.      Choose a person you are interested in doing a project on.  Please do not pick a pop star or    an athlete that is currently playing a sport.

2.      You need to use two sources - a minimum of one Internet source.

3.      Please focus your research in the following four areas:

            a.  Personal Background – including a timeline of important events (6)

            b.  Obstacles/Challenges- include an anecdote

               c. Accomplishments – define mentor/hero

              d.  Famous quote/motto

4.      Put together a PowerPoint presentation, poster or written report – no more than two paraphrased pages.

Your PowerPoint needs to include:

       7-8 slides

Your report must include:
o   Title Page-be sure to include a picture

Your poster, report or PowerPoint needs to include:

o   Who was he/she? (picture)

o   Personal Information (with timeline)

o   Accomplishments (with anecdote)

o   Challenges/Obstacles

o   Evaluation of person—What did you learn? and   A quote and why you feel the quote represents the person
o   Works cited (2 sources)

You will need to present this information in class as a presentation                 
Due Date: 3/23

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