Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Writing a Short Story - timeline



Use the following tools to write your story:

1.   “Writing a Short Story” packet

2.   Class lessons: Punctuating Dialogue,
Show, Don’t Tell, Word Choice, Denotation
vs. Connotation, Writing Leads, and How
to Improve Sentences

3.   Dictionaries, thesauruses, etc.

4.   Teacher’s website

5.   “Writing a Short Story Checklist” in
your short story packet


Complete the following in your Writing a  
Short Story packet:

2/11/15: page 5, Genre (Activity #1)

2/12/15: page 5, Ideas and Conflict
(Activities #2 and #3)

2/13/15: page 6, Characters (Activity #4)

2/11/15: page 6, Setting (Activity #5)

2/13/15: page 7, Plot Outline and Conflict


2/25/15: Typed or written draft is due. 
It must be no longer than four (4)  
handwritten pages.  You will meet
with a partner to revise (add,
delete, change).  Use the checklist
in the packet.


3/2/15: Typed draft #1 is due.  You will
meet with another partner to revise.  Use the
checklist in the packet.


3/9/15: Typed draft #2 is due.  You will
meet with another partner to help you
edit for paragraphing, sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 
Use the checklist in the packet.


3/11/15: Final copy of story is due (Arial,  
12-font, double-spaced).  Be sure your name is at the top and your story has a title.


***Extra Help is available in the Monday  
and Friday after school, at lunch, or in
the morning by appointment.

Parent/guardian signature _____________________

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