Friday, February 20, 2015

Is there a field day in our future?

Vote ONLY on the 6th grade link.  All three links include the same question! Each "click" is equal to a point.   It does not matter how many questions you are able to answer; it matters that you tried.    HAVE FUN!  Tell a friend!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Our journey!

What questions do you have for our "pen"pal Ivette?
Starts: January 07, 2015 | Ends: April 29, 2015    112 Days,    15 Cities,    12 Countries                       Embark: San Diego, CA, United States 1 Hilo, Hawaii, United States Yokohama, Japan * Kobe, Japan * Shanghai, China * Hong Kong, China * Ho Chi Minh City, Việt Nam Singapore, Singapore Rangoon, Burma Cochin, India Port Louis, Mauritius 2 Cape Town, South Africa Walvis Bay, Namibia Casablanca, Morocco Debark: Southampton (London), England -
Words from Ivette:
I am so excited to share my experiences with you all. I am being treated great! When I was walking around in Japan I was amazed by the kindness I was getting. When we would ask someone for directions they were very helpful and did their best to understand what we were trying to say. I feel the LOVE. From strangers to new friends I have received a lot of love from others. It is very awkward sometimes being in places where I can't understand everything. Especially in China people will talk to me and I have no idea what they are, not even a clue and so it is awkward. However It has really opened my eyes to new ways of communications because I don't understand, I often point to places instead.
Do you recommend this adventure to others?
I certainly recommend it to others. It has been an amazing experience so far and very eye opening. We are traveling to countries so different from ours and experiencing what the culture is like has been something I have enjoyed. Furthermore being able to visit so many different countries during one time period makes the experience very unique.

What are you looking forward to doing?
 While there are so many things I am looking forward to this semester I would have to say something that stands out would be traveling to India. During my time in India I will participate in a semester at sea field program that will take us to the through the Ganges River and visit the Taj Mahal. In addition I have heard from past voyagers that India has a culture very different from
that of the United States and so I am really interested in observing how the cultural difference will impact me.

Hilo, Hawaii
Great Wall of China

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Writing a Short Story - timeline



Use the following tools to write your story:

1.   “Writing a Short Story” packet

2.   Class lessons: Punctuating Dialogue,
Show, Don’t Tell, Word Choice, Denotation
vs. Connotation, Writing Leads, and How
to Improve Sentences

3.   Dictionaries, thesauruses, etc.

4.   Teacher’s website

5.   “Writing a Short Story Checklist” in
your short story packet


Complete the following in your Writing a  
Short Story packet:

2/11/15: page 5, Genre (Activity #1)

2/12/15: page 5, Ideas and Conflict
(Activities #2 and #3)

2/13/15: page 6, Characters (Activity #4)

2/11/15: page 6, Setting (Activity #5)

2/13/15: page 7, Plot Outline and Conflict


2/25/15: Typed or written draft is due. 
It must be no longer than four (4)  
handwritten pages.  You will meet
with a partner to revise (add,
delete, change).  Use the checklist
in the packet.


3/2/15: Typed draft #1 is due.  You will
meet with another partner to revise.  Use the
checklist in the packet.


3/9/15: Typed draft #2 is due.  You will
meet with another partner to help you
edit for paragraphing, sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 
Use the checklist in the packet.


3/11/15: Final copy of story is due (Arial,  
12-font, double-spaced).  Be sure your name is at the top and your story has a title.


***Extra Help is available in the Monday  
and Friday after school, at lunch, or in
the morning by appointment.

Parent/guardian signature _____________________