Sunday, May 1, 2016

Lightning Thief vocabulary 13-17

Study for 5/6 quiz

alternately-one after the other; switching back and forth

berths-beds on a train or ship

deceitful-misleading, not truthful

fiery- full of strong or angry emotion

revelation -a sudden, dramatic change in the way one thinks or views life. Usually occurs during or after the abyss, but sometimes it may lead the hero into the abyss.

mortality-a fatal outcome

hilt-the handle of a sword or dagger


a shiny metal


not really wanting to do something


an idea put forth; a suggestion

asphalt- tar-like material used to pave streets.

muttering-to murmur or speak in a low and barely audible manner

mildewed- moldy

albino-absence of the color pigment


vagrants-people who wander from place to place; drifters

hurtling- moving swiftly and with great force

shoals- shallow areas, place in sea, lake, or stream where the water is shallow.

ballistic- the study of the dynamics or flight characteristics or projectiles

stabilizers -a force or object that helps maintain a position