Sunday, December 13, 2015

Miracle Worker

Preview here -
Watch and critique - compare it to the book.  Which is better?  Why?

American Sign Language

Learn how to spell your name.
Try to communicate with words ... how do you feel?

Miracle Worker

Click on the links below, watch the clips and respond via email or in writing.  - part 2   Act 1, Scene 1, part 2 - part 3  Act 1, Scene 2, part 1 paart 4  Act 1, Scene 2, part 2

Extra credit - In a paragraph, explain ...Why is this a good title for Helen Keller's life story?

Roots 2

Work due Thursday, Quiz Friday
Image result for audible clipart
Extra credit  - Brainstorm words with another common root (you pick it) - explain how they are related.  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Roots 1

Study - quiz Friday
multi, bio, mort, geo, act, bene, aqua, mot/mob/mov

Miracle Worker    

How important are good manners?  Think and respond.
What would it be like if you could not communicate?

Check this out.  What do you think?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Bud, Not Buddy

Extra credit -
Find a piece of 1930's music to listen to while you ...
write a journal entry for Bud's diary about life after chapter 19.

Homophones - Contractions and Possessive Pronouns

Study - quiz Friday

They're, there, their
Who's, whose
You're, your
It's, its

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Moby Max due 10/30, January 31, March 31 and May 31

Don't forget...Mobymax is due on 


Please complete 

one vocabulary section, and

one language section and

one reading section - either literature, stories 

or informational.

Bud, Not Buddy

Be prepared to "argue".  Is Bud thriving or surviving?

Words to know for Friday's quiz - commence, twine, promote,
glum, urchin, vermin, drowsy, lam, kin, gait, pout  Cut and paste link

Be sure you are...
Adding to your word catcher, writing down the rules, referring to your "what good readers do" handout when interacting with the text and summarizing each chapter.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Friday, October 16th Is World Food Day

Make the world a better place - feed people while playing a game and improving your vocabulary- and earning extra credit!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Bud, Not Buddy

Listen . . .  
Here are the links to each Bud, Not Buddy chapter -
Be sure to summarize and be able to rename to chapter.

Trailer  -
Chp. 1 -
Chp. 2 -
Chp. 3 -
Chp. 4 -
Chp. 5 -
Chp. 6 -
Chp. 7 -
Chp. 8 -
Chp. 9 -
Chp. 10 -
Chp. 11 - - right story, wrong copy
Chp. 12-
Chp. 13 -
Chp. 14 -
Chp. 15 -
Chp. 16 -
Chp. 17 -
Chp. 18 -
Chp. 19 -

Extra Credit - Bud, Not Buddy!

To ponder...

1.  What's the difference between surviving and thriving?
2.  Why is it important for Bud to be a better liar?

3.  Why is Bud focused on the idea of a "funner" life?

Tone - the feelings a narrator has toward a character or subject in the story.
Figurative language - language that uses figures of speech to create images of what something looks, sounds, or feels like. It is different from literal language because literal language means exactly what it says. One common form of figurative language is when you describe something by comparing it to something else.

Question -
“How does figurative language affect the tone of the excerpt in which the woman is walking down the hall? What inference can we make about Bud’s feelings, based on his use of figurative language in this excerpt?”

Find other examples of figurative language, list the page number and tell how the author's word choice affected the story. 

Bud, Not Buddy

What rule or rules do you live by? 

One of mine is... Do something nice for someone everyday. 
           another one is...If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing.                                 
                                finally... Let the people you care about know that you care about them...everyday.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Important Information

or  visit and click on the Parent Portal link on the left side (globe icon).   Please click online registration on the lower left.   

The Parent Portal is my virtual grade book.  You can see in “real time”, your child’s progress. – search kxjimenez to print flashcards, take a quiz or study with a fun game.

My Baldwin Teacher page -

Find out what is due and what is going on!

ELA blog – to see what’s going on, extra credit, project reviews…

SS blog – to see cool links, review materials and study suggestions…  - Register for reminders by using the codes below.  You can find out what’s due before it’s due.

SS- xji                                                    ELA – msxj for ELA (reading, grammar and writing assignments)  assignments – your student has the user name and password.  Reading assessment due 9/29

A grammar, vocabulary, literature, reading skills-information, reading skills- stories due each quarter.   To be done by the last day in October, January, March and May


Each week Monday word study work handed out, work completed by Wednesday, quiz on Friday

Each Monday 2 wild words submitted, Tuesday 2 chosen – defined and used in a contextual sentence, quiz Monday on context clues. (can’t study – use strategies)

Each Tuesday – receive a reading and TDAC response.  Due Thursday.

SS –

Assessment on Thursdays - most weeks.

Study guide is based on the topic on, review notes and materials reviewed in class.

EXTRA HELP is on Monday before school and Friday after school.

**Know your late bus number

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Prefixes Unit 2

Are you studying?
You need to know: semi-, trans-, re-, super-, ir-, sub-, a-,ab-,abs-
go to search kxjimenez and click on prefixes 2

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wild Words

Collect them!
You need to submit two each Friday!
You will pick two to write about each Monday
Definition and contextual sentence due each Thursday.
Quiz- Each Monday
Must write contextual sentences
See -
NEED HELP?  Click above!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Image result for mobymaxReading Comprehension test due ...
Monday 9/28

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Use this format when writing!


Topic, Detail, Analysis, Conclusion


Topic Sentence
(This will most likely come from the question)
Text Evidence - Detail
(quote or paraphrase)
Sentence starters:
From the reading I know that…
I know ________because the author stated…
According to the text…
In the _______(paragraph, section, stanza) …
One place in the text where we see…
The (graphic, illustration, caption) shows…
In addition, the author also writes…
An example…
Analysis/Explanation – My Thinking
Sentence starters:
This (shows, proves, explains) that…
One could infer that…
This is significant because…
The conclusion that can be drawn from this…
This makes me think that…
This evidence proves that…
This could explain that…
This implies that…
It seems to me that…
This helps me understand…
I understand why…
Based on this, I can conclude…
This demonstrates…
I realize…
(Transitions - additionally, likewise, furthermore, however, yet, for example, to illustrate, this can be seen, specifically etc.)
Text Evidence - Detail
(quote or paraphrase)
Sentence starters:
From the reading I know that…
I know ________because the author stated…
According to the text…
In the _______(paragraph, section, stanza) …
One place in the text where we see…
The (graphic, illustration, caption) shows…
In addition, the author also writes…
An example…
Analysis/Explanation – My Thinking
Sentence starters:
This (shows, proves, explains) that…
One could infer that…
This is significant because…
The conclusion that can be drawn from this…
This makes me think that…
This evidence proves that…
This could explain that…
This implies that…
It seems to me that…
This helps me understand…
I understand why…
Based on this, I can conclude…
This demonstrates…
I realize…
(Begin your last sentence with a definitive word or phrase)
Definitive word or phrase: without a doubt, clearly, surely, definitely, for sure, of course, certainly, absolutely etc.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Summer Reading Journal

Please have two books read and two double journal entries completed and ready to submit on 10/1. 
Use the link below to peruse the list of books and the print the journal paper.
                                Happy Reading!
Image result for reading quotes   


It is going to be a great year.  We will explore many genres and write with a purpose.  Please come to class each day with your binder, your agenda and a pen/pencil.  Extra help is on each Monday before school and Friday after school.

email -

Question - What kind of year is it going to be?