Monday, January 27, 2014

Who is a Peacemaker?

We are writing a biography about a special peacemaker. 

Do you want to make a poster, write a paper or create a PowerPoint?

Include the person's name, picture, timeline of important life events, accomplishment(s), contributions to the world, a quote from that person and why you chose that person.

Refer to the handout given in class for specifics.

All we need is PEACE!

We are creating peace doves to send to an embassy.  We are writing a letter explaining why peace is important.  Where are you sending your argument and peace dove?

The purpose of an argumentative essay is to persuade readers to agree with the

writer’s point of view or to take action. An effective argument paragraph has these

essential elements:

1. The argument expresses the writer’s point of view and supports it by giving evidence.

2. The supporting evidence consists of facts, statistics, examples, personal experiences, expert testimony, and consequences.

3. The supporting evidence is logical, developed, and convincing.

4. Word choices should be neutral and fair-minded.

 Peace has been promoted by well-respected leaders for many years.  Is the concept of peace outdated? 


dove-peace-14.pngUse an interesting "Hook"  to get the                 
reader’s attention. [quotation,                                                 
rhetorical statement, anecdote,                              
startling fact or statistic]

Give a bit of background information                               

about the situation you’re discussing.

Finish with a thesis statement that                     

states the main idea of the essay and

clearly expresses your opinion.

Body Paragraphs

Start each body paragraph with a                       

topic sentence.

Each paragraph should give a                               
different reason for the reader to

agree with your position.

Provide evidence to support your                       _

opinions: facts, statistics, examples,

anecdotes, interview quotations, or                      

expert opinions.

One of the body paragraphs should                   

address objections someone might

make towards your opinion. Tell the                   

reader why their possible objection

(counterargument) will not be a


Use transitional words and phrases to

connect ideas.

Concluding Paragraph

Restate your thesis is a new way.                        

Make a call to action to request the

reader’s help.                                                                   

"Soup"er Bowl

Let's all be winners...
Bring in a can of soup and help the hungry on Long Island.  All the soup cans we be delivered to a local soup kitchen.  Who will win?  Will it be the Seahawks, the Broncos or everyone? 
                                     Make a difference!

Read to Feed

During the month of December, 6 Team One earned  $ 364.25.   We were able to purchase a goat, 6 rabbits, 100s of trees, several schools of fish, and five flocks of chicks for needy communities around the world.   We made a difference!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Are you READING every day?

Practice makes perfect.  Challenge yourself!
Make sure you are logging your reading and wild words!

Midterms are coming!

The ELA midterm is on January 27th and January 28th.
Day One - reading a passage, completing multiple choice responses, a few short written responses and one extended response.
Day Two - five reading passages and seven multiple choices for each text.
Hints - annotate, check for understand, and prove your answers.
Review ELA terms - visit  search kxjimenez - ELA terms
Review notes

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Short Story writing

Be sure your story includes: sensory language
                                            : plot from exposition - resolution