Sunday, December 13, 2015

Miracle Worker

Preview here -
Watch and critique - compare it to the book.  Which is better?  Why?

American Sign Language

Learn how to spell your name.
Try to communicate with words ... how do you feel?

Miracle Worker

Click on the links below, watch the clips and respond via email or in writing.  - part 2   Act 1, Scene 1, part 2 - part 3  Act 1, Scene 2, part 1 paart 4  Act 1, Scene 2, part 2

Extra credit - In a paragraph, explain ...Why is this a good title for Helen Keller's life story?

Roots 2

Work due Thursday, Quiz Friday
Image result for audible clipart
Extra credit  - Brainstorm words with another common root (you pick it) - explain how they are related.  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Roots 1

Study - quiz Friday
multi, bio, mort, geo, act, bene, aqua, mot/mob/mov

Miracle Worker    

How important are good manners?  Think and respond.
What would it be like if you could not communicate?

Check this out.  What do you think?