Friday, October 24, 2014

Red Ribbon Week

Monday:                  Wear RED in support of RRW

Tuesday:                  Wear BALDWIN apparel

                                Baldwin pride against drugs

Wednesday:             Wear TEAM apparel

                                Team up against drugs
Thursday:                Wear Tie-Dye/PEACE OUT to drugs

Friday:                     Crazy HAT day
Character is...doing the right thing when no one is watching!

Are you Eleven?

You are going to really enjoy this short story.    
What makes an author's story interesting?
Find an article and "grade" it.  Explain why you are giving it the grade you determine to be fair.  Be specific.


Study your prefixes every week -

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What's going on?

Are you reading 20 minutes EVERY SINGLE day?
Complete your 40 Book Challenge chart!

Know what a context clue is- - try this

This week - study prefixes - week two  -   Quiz on Wednesday

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The Reflections deadline is fast approaching.  Earn extra credit and an opportunity to represent BMS or even Nassau County.  The topic is  The World Would Be A Better Place If...
Give it a few moments, let your pen dance across the paper...inspire!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Are you visiting each week?

Go to
Complete one lesson each week! 


Log on to
Search kxjimenez
Study, practice, print flashcards, play games...
Bring in the proof for extra credit

Notice and Note

Are you reading every day? 
Notice and Note -ask yourself these questions.
Make one night a week Family Read Night.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

October questions of the month!

When should you use a semicolon? 
What is the three-syllable name for a hashtag?
Submit in the yellow bucket before 10/31


Make a card, drawing or write a letter to thank a firefighter.  They put their lives on the line for our safety. 


quote Complete the activities posted.
Stay after school, go to extra help or visit the library during lunch if you are not able to complete the posted ideas at home.
I also have paper extra credit opportunities available.                   PLEASE ASK!


Verbs are doing words. A verb can express a physical action, a mental action, or a state of being.

Verbs to BeState of being verb -The verbs which express a state of being are the ones which take a little practice to spot, but, actually, they are the most common. The most common verb is the verb to be.  The most important verb in this group – arguably of all – is the verb to be. As already mentioned, this is seen in forms like is, are, were, was, will be, etc. - Try the three practices

A linking verb connects the subject with a word that gives information about the subject, such as a condition or relationship. They do not show any action; but, they link the subject with the rest of the sentence. For example, in the sentence "They are a problem," the word "are" is the linking verb that connects "they" and "problem" to show the relationship between the two words. - FUNBRAIN - complete and submit for extra credit
Interactive website -   Active or linking

Cut out an article - identify (highlight)  all of the verbs and submit it for extra credit.\