Monday, May 12, 2014

Lightning Thief - vocabulary

Chapter 1
Kleptomaniac p. 3
Wispy p. 3
Disgorge p. 6
Scythe p. 6
Dyslexia p. 7
Chapter 2
Irritable p. 17
Sot  p. 17
Solstice  p. 19
Juvenile p. 22
Delinquent  p. 22
Chapter 3
Terminal p. 29
Reeked p. 30
Cologne p. 32
Talons p. 32
Vivid  p. 41
Chapter 4
Shimmering p. 53
Holographic p. 53
Dissolve p. 53
Chapter 5
Parasol p. 58
Pseudonym p. 64
Endeavors p. 67
Incinerates p. 69
Feigned p. 69
Chapter 6
Gable p. 75
Abalone p. 81
Caduceus p. 83
Primal p. 86
Archetypes p. 86
Chapter 7
Mortals p. 97
Mischievous p. 100
Brazier p. 103
Laurels p. 105
Chapter 8
Manic p. 111
Aura p. 116
Alliance p. 117
brandished p. 120
Cantered p. 123
Chapter 9
Repetitions p. 128
Cowered p. 132
Celestial p. 135
Paranoid p. 137
Mementos p. 141
Chapter 10
Drachmas p. 149
Chauffeur p. 150
Hyperventilating p. 151
Enchanted p. 154
Torment p. 165
Chapter 11
Faltered p. 169
Glint p. 169
Curio p. 171
Statuary p. 171
Kelp p. 173
Marred p. 176
Modulated p. 180
Crooned p. 183
Impertinent p. 186
 Chapter 12
Pillaging p. 189
Quivering p. 191
Pressed p. 191
Chasm p. 193
Chapter 13
Alternately p. 198
Berths p. 198
Deceitful p. 199
Fiery p. 209
Chapter 14
Revelation p. 212
Mortality p. 212
Hilt p. 215
Chapter 15
Chrome p. 224
Riveted p. 224
Proposition p. 226
Asphalt p. 230
Muttering p. 234
Chapter 16
Reluctantly p. 243
Mildewed p. 246
Albino p. 251
Indignation p. 254
Vagrants p. 257
Chapter 17
Critical p. 268
Hurtling p. 269
Shoals p. 270
Ballistic p. 270
Stablizers p. 281
Chapter 18
Stalactites p. 289
Warbled p. 291
Portcullis p. 291
Queued p. 291
Baleful p. 295
Mournful p. 299
Keening p. 299
Chapter 19
Medieval p. 302
Veered p. 303
Obsidian p. 305
Portico p. 308
Pretense p. 311
Chapter 20
Glinting p. 326
Cleaved p. 326
Feint p. 329
Dissipating p. 330
Chapter 21
Precariously p. 338
Hippodrome p. 338
Welled p. 341
Impudence p. 341
Riddance p. 353
Chapter 22
Procession p. 354
Shrouds p. 354
Bided p. 366
Constitution p. 370
Vengeance p. 371

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Service Project

"No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.  Thank you."  ~Author Unknown

Idea is due - 5/13  - Plan ahead!

Your Service Project is due on 6/9.  There are thousands of things you can do to make the world a better place.  THINK! 
Make a plan, act, and reflect in a 5 paragraph essay.
You can work with a friend!
Don't forget to get the proof - a letter and photo...I will give you the 12x12 paper.

So much to do - so little mention a few...
Color a
Visit a shelter - Bobbie and Strays is in Freeport - make an appointment
Have a bake sale, car wash or yard sale for a cause
Collet canned food for a shelter
Volunteer time working with the hungry, disabled, needy, elderly

Need a copy of the Service Project directions?   click below
Extra help is on Mondays and Fridays after school.  5/12 -in the am.

The Lightning Thief

How's it going? 
Extra credit -
Cleverly - rename the chapters!
Illustrate the characters based on text evidence.
Write a diary entry based on the experiences in the book.
Create a word search using details from the book to share with the class
Interact  with the class your comments, predictions and expectations.