Thursday, December 11, 2014


Have you logged on to the library account? 

You can...find books, borrow ebooks, and write reviews for books!

visit -

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bud, Not Buddy - Extra credit

To ponder...

1.  What's the difference between surviving and thriving?
2.  Why is it important for Bud to be a better liar?

3.  Why is Bud focused on the idea of a "funner" life?

Tone - the feelings a narrator has toward a character or subject in the story.
Figurative language - language that uses figures of speech to create images of what something looks, sounds, or feels like. It is different from literal language because literal language means exactly what it says. One common form of figurative language is when you describe something by comparing it to something else.

Question -
“How does figurative language affect the tone of the excerpt in which the woman is walking down the hall? What inference can we make about Bud’s feelings, based on his use of figurative language in this excerpt?”

Find other examples of figurative language, list the page number and tell how the author's word choice affected the story. 

Bud, Not Buddy

                 What rule or rules do you live by? 

One of mine is... Do something nice for someone everyday. 
           another one is...If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing.                                  
                                finally... Let the people you care about know that you care about them...everyday.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Need guidance for Malala essay?

Malala is a crusader; she is making a difference in the world. (CLAIM)

A crusade ... (DEFINE)

In a few sentences paraphrase what she has done

Confirm her success as a crusader

Start with a quote (EVIDENCE)

Explain the quote connection to being a crusader

Explain what the quote tells you (ANALYZE)

TRANSITION to another piece of evidence

Cite the evidence

Explain the connection

What does this tell you?

Start with a quote (EVIDENCE)

Explain the quote connection making a difference

Explain what the quote tells you (ANALYZE)

TRANSITION to another piece of evidence


Explain the CONNECTION

What does this tell you?

Conclude with a strong confirmation of the claim

SUMMARIZE the proof - in different words

Give an DEFINATE statement

Leave the reader a thought.

Essay writing

ESSAY WRITING ... refer to your notes, think about our class discussions and uses the resources available to you!

When writing any essay, you must keep certain things in mind.
1.  Make a claim, statement, thesis statement
2.  Defend the statement with evidence - lift directly from the text or paraphrase.  Include a quote, page number, column, author name...
3.  Analyze the evidence - explain what the statement makes you think...
4.  Make an inference, draw a conclusion
5.  Paraphrase, reinforce the claim
     use transition words to shift from one idea to the next - (see the TDAC chart below)

Each paragraph should be no less than 5-7 sentences.   Please include a brief summary of events to offering the reader background information.

Lifting/quoting the text sentence starters

Possible analyzing the text sentence starters...
I can conclude...
Based on the text the author means...
I think...
It is obvious that...



~ Narrow the topic to something specific

~ Relate all events to the plot

~ Write from experience

~ Use interesting details


~ Hook the reader right away

~ Use logical order and sequence

~ Have a clear beginning, middle, and end



~ Use words that tell a clear story

~ Use words that create a mental picture for the reader

~ Use powerful action verbs (vivid verbs)

~ Use specific nouns and adjectives

~ Use language that is natural and not overdone

~ Be concise (tighten sentences)

~ Use words correctly 


 ~ Use complete sentences

~ Vary sentence beginning, structure, and length (simple, compound, complex)

~ Use transitions (internal & external) to make it flow and easy to read aloud


 ~ Write honestly and from the heart

~ Use language that brings the topic to life

~ Care about the topic so reader can react to the story

~ Use expression to voice personality


 ~ Read the story aloud to catch errors

~ Turn in a clean, edited, and polished final draft

~ Reinforce the organization with good paragraphing

~ Use correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar
Topic, Detail, Analysis, Conclusion
Topic Sentence
(This will most likely come from the question)
Text Evidence - Detail
(quote or paraphrase)
Analysis – My Thinking
(Transitions - additionally, likewise, furthermore, however, yet, for example, to illustrate, this can be seen, specifically etc.)
Text Evidence - Detail
(quote or paraphrase)
Analysis – My Thinking
(Begin your last sentence with a definitive word or phrase)
Definitive word or phrase: without a doubt, clearly, surely, definitely, for sure, of course, certainly, absolutely etc.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Malala - Who is she?

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful".                                                                                  ~Malala Yousafzai
Watch, read, look and respond!  What did you learn from Malala? What does the world need to hear?


Study this week's suffixes -

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November question

What's the best book you've ever read?
                         Give your book commercial in a paragraph - with convincing text!

Round and Flat characters - know the difference!

                                 Know your characters!
One minute review video - - flat/round
Four minute review video - - static/dynamic
Positive Traits:
list 1list 2
list 3
Neutral Traits:
list 4list 5
Negative Traits:
list 6list 8list 9list 10list 11

Freak the Mighty

Read everyday! 
Quotes from Freak the Mighty - Extra credit -  Pick one and explain its truth in a thoughtful paragraph.

1.  “Every word is part of a picture, Every sentence is a picture. All you have to do is link them together.”  
2.  “I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that’s the truth, the whole truth.”  

3.  “His heart was simply to big for his body.”
4.  “Books are like truth serum-- if you don't read, you can't figure out what's real.”  
5.  “LIBRARY, where they keep the truth serum, and the magic carpets" -Kevin 'Freak' from Freak's Dictionary

Friday, October 24, 2014

Red Ribbon Week

Monday:                  Wear RED in support of RRW

Tuesday:                  Wear BALDWIN apparel

                                Baldwin pride against drugs

Wednesday:             Wear TEAM apparel

                                Team up against drugs
Thursday:                Wear Tie-Dye/PEACE OUT to drugs

Friday:                     Crazy HAT day
Character is...doing the right thing when no one is watching!

Are you Eleven?

You are going to really enjoy this short story.    
What makes an author's story interesting?
Find an article and "grade" it.  Explain why you are giving it the grade you determine to be fair.  Be specific.


Study your prefixes every week -

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What's going on?

Are you reading 20 minutes EVERY SINGLE day?
Complete your 40 Book Challenge chart!

Know what a context clue is- - try this

This week - study prefixes - week two  -   Quiz on Wednesday

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The Reflections deadline is fast approaching.  Earn extra credit and an opportunity to represent BMS or even Nassau County.  The topic is  The World Would Be A Better Place If...
Give it a few moments, let your pen dance across the paper...inspire!